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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Programming languages: Why developers want to learn Golang and Python most?

The top two programming languages that worldwide program engineers want to learn next, surprisingly, are Golang and Python, reported after a survey over 116,000 developers from 162 countries to come up with this year's results about related topics (such as their education levels, job prospects, skills acquisition, and wanted salaries). The whole survey is done by HackerRank – a developer skills-matching platform.

In fact, Golang isn't listed in the top-10 of the most widely known programming languages recently, but it already comes top for languages that developers are wanted to learn. The percentage of developers who are eyeing Golang as their next language reached 36%, followed by 28% who nominate Python as their next target. Among the list, there also other languages ranked high on the learning priority, including Kotlin, which is popular among Android app developers, TypeScript, and R, a popular language among data scientists. The remaining top 10 desired languages are Scala, Swift, Rust, Ruby, and JavaScript. 

HackerRank found that C, created in the 1970s, is used by nearly 40% of Gen Z respondents to learn how to code, making it by far the most popular language to cut your teeth on for that generation. Besides, the result pointed out that only 30% of millennials started out with C, while Gen X and Baby Boomers mostly started out learning BASIC – a programming language created in 1964.

The most concern for recruiting in 2020, with 38%, is looking for full-stack developers in manager levels (the following second and third are back-end developers and data scientists). However, they have to face with more pressures than others, with 60% tasked learning a strange and completely new framework, and while 45% required to learn a new language the previous year. That proportion is much higher than any other cateGolangries. But the thing is, across all groups no less than 40% said they have had to learn a new language in the last year. 
JavaScript is always in the top programming language skill that most recruiters in some big locations are looking for, and the followers are Python, Java, C#, C++, PHP, C, Golang, and Ruby. The most well-known languages among developers somehow reflect the sought-after languages. JavaScript also rank 1 in this list, followed by Java, C, Python, C++, C#, PHP, TypeScript, Pascal and R. Although JavaScript is the most widely known language in the world, the final result showed that only 5% of feedbacks decided to choose it as their basic programming language. 

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