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Friday, November 30, 2018

The effects of IoT on Big Data

The Internet of Things(IoT) is gradually leading us to interact with “things”. The large amounts of data that many smart devices are going to produce is used to make this happen, and that is going to change the way Big Data is handled. Let us understand how.

Big Data Storage

How much data that will be generated is the first thing appearing when the adoption of IoT keeps increasing. Multiple channels are used to keep such large amounts of data. To create a flexible and scalable method to handle IoT data, Big Data organizations are prepping up to move to the PaaS (Platform as a Service) model.

Big Data Security

It is important to increase security when increasing data. IoT will create a network of varied devices that will also lead to a pooling of varied types of data. IoT Data Security will be a new challenge put across with Big Data Security professionals. If any security loophole happens, the entire network of connected devices will be put at risk of manipulation.

The verification and authentication of devices that are added to the IoT network will become vital. It will become the task of Big Data organizations to create a checkpoint to audit the devices that are added to the network.

Big Data Technologies

IoT is supposed to connect devices over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The data passing between the devices will also be sent over these channels and there must be leak-proof technologies implemented to capture this immense amount of data. Protocols must be put in place to offer a controlled mechanism of data receiving and storing. Mosquitto is a very popular protocol and adaption of Hadoop to store the data generated by IoT networks is also in process.

Big Data Analytics

IoT and Big Data are interconnected with each other. IoT is going to generate huge amounts of data that must be analyzed if the IoT networks are going to operate accurately. The networks may generate some redundant data and that is why it becomes important for Big Data organizations to spend their analytics power on the data that is important. So, a new element of data categorization will be added so that the Big Data Analytics tools deliver better performance.


Big Data organizations are going to receive a huge amount of data for analysis by IoT devices. At the moment, Big Data companies are only just becoming capable of handling this immense amount of data in a highly secure manner. The change we are expecting on the Big Data front would be the adoption of flexible and scalable solutions to enhance security, data storing, and data analysis capabilities.

IoT is still new for many people. The wider IoT’s adoption is, the more important that Big Data organizations must prepare to handle various type of data sending from different types of IoT devices.

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