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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Top 5 considerations for creating a cloud-based pipeline (Part 1)

If you have already monitored your deployments in the development operation, why don't you automate the process behind them? This article will cover the top 5 considerations when creating and running an automated, cloud-based pipeline.

1. Consider Your Business Needs First

Making all of your applications and environments is pivotal to hybrid computing and should be a goal for every company to achieve.

Hybrid cloud is a combination of mixed computing, services, and data storage that can be spun up in person, via private cloud, or via public cloud services. Public cloud services with orchestration between the two platforms and are widely used today with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform.

Am I Hybrid?

If you are adopting a public platform that sends data to a private cloud or leveraging your SaaS applications and transferring data between independent resources - then you are already using hybrid computing. The goal of this model is to combine services and data coming from different places to build a unified, automated, well-managed computing environment.

What do I need to research?

It is necessary for you to define that if your organization needs a private cloud to meet the security demand. For example, those companies in Finance, Law, Healthcare, etc. sectors have to limit what cloud services they can use due to some confidential issues. However, if you are running an e-commerce store, you don’t have to concern so much about it until your business grows and has a larger customer base.

(Source: sdxcentral)

2. Develop Your Cloud-Based Pipeline As Part of Your Apps

Everything As Code: Configurations, Environments, Automations, etc.

To develop a pipeline of your cloud service, you need to set up your configuration and environment files. The bad practices of setting up servers without any configurable way to spin up a new instance immediately will not work when creating automation.

Moreover, you have to model everything in case of any application to be reused and automate everything: scheduled jobs, migration, compiling jobs, etc. By doing this, you will find is easier to maintain the system.

Put Everything in the Source Code

Keeping a repository for your application is key to being able to deploy. Your codebase needs to be set up in different environments in the deploy process for master release, staging, and development branches.

Process, Architecture, Deploy

Everything is a process. It is important to build an architecture that helps your team work better to produce great software. Deployment stages should be quick and easy and shouldn’t be a burden for team to spend so much time to properly release. 

Source: Dzone


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