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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

AI Milestone | 2018 Self-driving cars hit the roads

2018 – Self-driving cars hit the roads
The development of self-driving cars is a headline use case for today’s VR – the application which has captured the public imagination more than any other. Like the AI that powers them, they aren’t something which has emerged overnight, despite how it may appear to someone who hasn’t been following technology trends. General Motors predicted the eventual arrival of driverless vehicles at the 1939 World’s Fair. The Stanford Cart – originally built to explore how lunar vehicles might function, then repurposed as an autonomous road vehicle – was debuted in 1961.
But there can be no doubt that 2018 marked a significant milestone, with the launch of Google spin-off Waymo’s self-driving taxi service in Phoenix, Arizona. The first commercial autonomous vehicle hire service, Waymo One is currently in use by 400 members of the public who pay to be driven to their schools and workplaces within a 100 square mile area.
While human operators currently ride with every vehicle, to monitor their performance and take the controls in case of emergency, this undoubtedly marks a significant step towards a future where self-driving cars will be a reality for all of us.
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